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What is a picosecond laser?

2024-10-09 14:55:00

A pico laser is not exactly a brand name, nor is it a type of machine. It is actually a type of laser technology. The name "Pico" refers to the technology that produces a laser beam of extremely short duration - picoseconds.

This laser is a new development that has extremely short pulse durations of picoseconds (10-12 seconds), or one trillionth of a second, and produces very high energies, up to 1.8 gigawatts. It is available in different wavelengths - 532nm, 755nm, 1064nm - and can specifically target damaged melanocytes at different depths in the skin, making it a safe and effective treatment for a range of pigmentation conditions [1].

Once used exclusively for tattoo removal, the first picosecond laser for pigment removal was the 755nm Alexandrite laser. Subsequently, other manufacturers modified their nanosecond 532nm and 1064nm Nd YAG lasers (pulse durations of 10-9 seconds, or one trillionth of a second) designs to produce picosecond pulses.

The treatment effects of picosecond lasers are different. Using high peak power and ultra-short pulse duration, picosecond lasers can break down melanin into smaller and finer particles than nanosecond lasers, more effectively removing pigmentation[2].

yellow laser, pico laser, pico-laser-pigmentation-removal-singapore

Because the pulse rate of a picosecond laser is 100 times shorter than that of a nanosecond laser, it targets pigmentation with more photoacoustic (sound) energy and less thermal energy. Therefore, the shorter pulse time reduces the chance of heating the skin, thereby reducing the risk of pigmentation.

Research shows that this type of laser produces energy at a picosecond frequency, selectively targeting melanin pigment and avoiding thermal damage to adjacent tissues[3]. Picosecond lasers also take a shorter time to achieve effective results, which means fewer treatments[4].

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